Submit an Article

We love it when you share. So do our Members and Subscribers.


1000 words is a good max length. You can submit whatever you like but know that articles over 1000 words will be scrutinized as to whether the length is needed. It is usually better to break a long article into multiple parts.

Articles need to fit within one of the following topics: Green & Sustainability, Health & Wellness, Inspirational, Business & Marketing. On occassion, an article may be allowed into two areas, therefore, if you feel it deserves to be in two topic areas you may indicate this. However, final approval is totally up to EarthWell.

EarthWell reserves the right to reject any article at any time for any reason.

Author represents that they have the right to submit this article for publication.

Articles submitted to EarthWell, if accepted, may be published through a variety of media channels. EarthWell does not pay for articles and the publication of any article by EarthWell in no way represents an obligation by EarthWell to the author in any manner.


1) Complete the information below so we know exactly how to handle your material.

2) Then, email your article to us at Members [at] EarthWell [dot] org.

!! Word Docs only. No faxes or scanned docs, etc. If you can't edit it, neither can we.

Images - please email separately in a web optimized file. Be sure to reference the article it belongs to.

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Your Name:




Credits Info


Article Title:

Author E-mail:

URL to link to:

Is Author an EarthWell ...?:
Current Contributor
Benefit Provider
None of the above

Primary Topic Area:
Green & Sustainability
Health & Wellness
Business & Marketing

Secondary Topic Area (if any):
Green & Sustainability
Health & Wellness
Business & Marketing

I authorize this article for publication type(s):
Electronic (newsletters, email, website)

Brief description of article:


